Black bears also climb Half Dome: what to do if you encounter them

Climbers reaching the top of Yosemite's Half Dome can expect panoramic views of the national park's luscious valley, but now park rangers say they might also spot traces of black bears, or even the animal itself.

Recently Found Park Rangers evidence pointing to the presence of a black bear at the top of Half Dome, Yosemite officials said. Animals are natural climbers, and unlike people, they don't need 425 feet of cable to scale the 46-degree angle of the quartz rock formation.

“This observation serves as a good reminder that bear safety applies EVERYWHERE in Yosemite,” park officials said on Facebook. “For the safety of people and animals, keep your friends close and your food closer.”

Yosemite officials reminded visitors to keep smelly items, such as food or sunscreen, locked in lockers or canisters. On the trail, hikers should keep backpacks and other items within reach so they are not raided by Half Dome's bears or ground squirrels.

Bear encounters are not uncommon in Yosemite, which is Home to approximately 300 to 500 black bears. Animals often cause property damage or steal food. People are rarely injured and no one has died from a bear attack in Yosemite, according to the park service.

As of July, authorities have recorded 10 bear-related incidents in Yosemite, and all but one occurred in a residential area, according to the park's bear activity log.

A bear, in an accident this spring, broke into several unlocked vehicles. Another found his way into an unsafe home.

Visitors also encounter the creatures along the way. According to the park, at least one bear has been hit by a vehicle in Yosemite this year. Collisions are considered one of the leading causes of bear deaths in Yosemite, according to the organization Keep Bears Wild.

Overall, encounters with humans increased 83% compared to last year. Black bears are active day and night, and more have recently been seen on the valley floor, park officials said.

Bears tend to avoid humans, but there are essential tips to stay safe in the event of an encounter.

If a bear enters a trail, campground, picnic area or parking lot, officials recommend scaring the animal away by yelling loudly and aggressively until it leaves. People can stay close together to appear larger, but they should not surround the bear. Pepper spray is not allowed in Yosemite.

If the bear doesn't leave, pack everything up and leave, officials said. Throwing food at the creature or leaving food for it will encourage its behavior and could make it aggressive toward humans; In these cases, the bear could be euthanized. And, although it goes without saying, rangers advise people not to try to retrieve their food from a bear.

Visitors encountering a bear in undeveloped areas of Yosemite should maintain a distance of at least 20 yards. Black bears can show dominance by attacking with deception, especially when cubs or food are involved, park officials said.

Half Dome in Yosemite National Park has long been a California iconwhich served as a muse for legendary photographer Ansel Adams and eventually became his resting place.

The rock surface, which some compare to a football helmet or a broken bowling ball, is framed by a granite monolith, El Capitan, and a collection of cliffs known as Cathedral Rocks.

Visitors must obtain a permit to climb Half Dome. Hiking the trail can be dangerous and the park service recommends doing so only in the summer. Rangers place removable steel cables each season to help climbers ascend the last few hundred feet to the summit.

Walking to the summit requires climb at least 14 miles while gaining 4,800 feet of elevation. Only 300 people can visit the Half Dome Trail each day.

Hikers who see a bear, no matter where it is or what it is doing, should call (209) 372-0322 or email the park service.

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