Aena's Spanish airports will receive more than 300 million passengers in 2025 – Business Traveler

Aena has improved its passenger traffic forecasts at its Spanish airports and now says that it hopes to overcome the barrier of 300 million annually in 2025.

The operator welcomed 283 million passengers last year in its Spanish facilities and plans to grow to 294 million in 2024, 300 million next year and 310 million in 2026.

Aena operates nearly 50 airports throughout Spain, in addition to having a controlling stake in London Luton airport and a portfolio of more than 30 airports in Latin America.

The company said it now expects to handle more than one million passengers per day worldwide by 2026.

The operator stated that “The positive evolution of the economy, better than estimated, and a faster than expected recovery in passenger traffic in 2022 are two of the reasons that have led Aena to update the objectives of the 2022 Strategic Plan. 2026.”

He added that the sharp rebound in traffic had been “most pronounced at tourist airports.”

Aena pointed out The recent approval for London Luton Airport to increase annual traffic from 18 to 19 million passengers.and said that last year it took control of Brazil's Eleven Airport Block (BOAB), including Sao Paulo Congonhas Airport.

Madrid Barajas recently outlined its plans to invest €2.4 billion in its existing terminalswith the aim of increasing annual capacity to 90 million passengers in 2031.

This week, ACI EUROPE published its latest traffic report for January 2024, showing that international passenger volumes at European airports reached 2019 levels for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic.

International passenger traffic at European airports reaches pre-pandemic levels

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