Why addressing the three Ps of cloud migration is key to public sector IT transformation

The UK public sector has experienced severe economic hardship following the pandemic, with huge pressure to increase staff to help alleviate a cost of living crisis, whilst also having to cope with higher inflation. Budgets are being squeezed at all levels, regardless of service demands. It is inevitable that something has to give. So finding better ways of working has been a priority for public sector organisations in recent years. The problem is that while IT leaders may recognise the need for change, implementing it in practice can be complex and challenging.

Soft skills, business processes and technological performance drive digital transformation. These are critical. As KPMG reveals in a recent report, “the key to safely accelerating technology adoption lies in filling skills gaps, ensuring the government workforce is digitally literate, keeping up with fast-moving technology trends and recruiting top tech talent to make digital transformation plans a reality. If a workforce struggles with digital literacy and lacks leadership, it is difficult for government organizations to safely turn to technology.”

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