This Wildly Insecure Video Doorbell Is Still For Sale On Amazon — Here's What You Need To Know

In a recently published article, Consumer Reports (CR) warns people about a defective video doorbell being sold on Amazon that can easily be taken over by a complete stranger.

The device itself does not have a specific name as it is sold under different brand names on multiple trading platforms; not just Amazon. These names include Fishbot, Gemee, Luckwolf, Rakeblue, and Tuck. It doesn't matter where or who you buy the doorbell from, as they can all be controlled using the Aiwit app, which in turn is owned by the Chinese electronics company Eken. CR, as part of his investigation, purchased the device and had a couple of staff members test its security. Needless to say, it's really bad. All a bad actor needs to take over Eken's product is to have the Aiwit app installed on their smartphone.

Bad security

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