This AI-powered robot will check for you if Bigfoot is real

Urban legends and outlandish stories often lead people to Snopes in search of a reality check. Now, the fact-checking site has an AI tool called FactBot to help you win a bet about Bigfoot or confirm a story about your favorite celebrity. Aiming to tackle misinformation, FactBot uses Snopes’ archive and generative AI to answer questions without having to comb through articles using more traditional search methods.

When you ask a question, FactBot analyzes Snopes’ collection of information and writes a conversational response. Snopes built Factbot using Anthropic’s Sonnet 3.5 artificial intelligence model, released earlier this year, in collaboration with California Polytechnic’s Digital Transformation Hub (DxHub) and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Of course, AI models are notorious for occasionally offering nonsensical or completely wrong answers that they mind-bogglingly miss. Snopes, which wants to maintain its (sometimes questioned) reputation as a reliable source of facts, had to address that problem. By using Snopes’ databases for its answers, Factbot avoids mind-boggling or outdated answers. All answers include links to the articles used to write them. And if there isn’t enough information to answer the question, FactBot simply tells you that it doesn’t have enough information to respond.

(Image credit: Snopes)

Fun with Factbot

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