These are the fastest-growing fitness trends for 2024, according to Garmin fans

If your plan to get fit by 2024 is already failing in the notoriously difficult first week of January, fear not: some new data from Garmin has arrived to give us all some new inspiration, based on the biggest fitness trends from last year.

The Garmin Fitness Report 2023 is based on data collected from tens of millions of Garmin Connect users around the world. So while it doesn’t tell us what new types of workouts Apple Watch fans are doing, it does reveal some interesting trends that could help guide your 2024 plans.

The biggest takeaway is the rise of gym workouts, particularly HIIT (high-intensity interval training) sessions. Among Garmin users, its popularity increased 112% year over year, which is the largest increase in the entire report.

The fitness equipment section of Garmin’s 2023 fitness report shows HIIT far ahead in year-over-year growth. (Image credit: Garmin)

In fact, the use of fitness equipment increased across the board, with stair climber sessions (up 31% compared to 2022), strength training (up 30%), elliptical machines (up 17% ) and indoor rowing (up 14%). It all shows the popularity of these machines, whether used in the gym or at home.

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