The three most common mistakes when backing up to the cloud and how to avoid them

Since cloud computing was first released to the public, it has been identified as a target for hackers. Bad actors will go after the game's most important players and break down their defenses with apparent ease. Take, for example, the case where a resentful former employee stole AWS login credentials and used them to delete critical customer accounts, causing his former employer to lose $700,000.

If such an attack seems detrimental to your business, you can take comfort in learning from the past mistakes of others and recognizing the importance of backups to keep business operations running smoothly. Cloud backups are a critical line of defense against data loss; mistakes and oversights in a backup strategy are akin to self-sabotage of your security network. By neglecting cloud backups, business leaders compromise their customers’ sensitive data, losing customer trust and tarnishing the company’s reputation. Data breaches can result in legal consequences and financial losses.

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