The evolution of business security beyond traditional passwords

In the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, identity and access management (IAM) remains a vital link in the cybersecurity chain. In fact, the biggest threat can often come from the person sitting at the next desk. We all have moments when we are vulnerable to attacks that exploit our biases, and the challenge with using passwords is that users can quickly become fatigued. Constantly creating and keeping track of an increasing number of passwords required to navigate the countless systems they interact with on a daily basis is a task that has many of us looking for workarounds, if we can.

Almost every service or app requires a password, and each password must be a certain length and contain a special combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. If these requirements weren't in place, many users would use weak, predictable passwords that are easier to remember, and many of us still reuse passwords even though we know we shouldn't.

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