Reimagining the IT Help Desk Experience for the “Silent Sufferers” with AI

Workplaces can benefit from AI when employees experiencing technology issues are hesitant to seek help. With its rise, AI has established itself as a transformative trend. AI can improve productivity and efficiency, while protecting against operational downtime and can proactively identify and resolve IT issues, benefiting employees who may not seek help and improving their overall experience.

These “silent sufferers” might be putting up with glitches and connectivity issues, but they’re reluctant to ask for help. Instead, they might try to fix the problems themselves, which could lead to further complications, either immediately or later, especially if they exacerbate the original problem. Worse, they might continue to ignore the problems altogether. If that happens, the problems they were tolerating (most of which the IT department could have solved) will undoubtedly make those silent sufferers much less productive and unhappy at work.

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