Now that the chatgpt voice mode is free, is it worth paying for Chatgpt Plus?

When Operai first presented the advanced chatgpt voice mode, I was intrigued by the idea that this could be the template for a voice assistant capable of all the Star Trek-style feats that Amazon and Google had promised a decade ago. A fluid round -trip conversation with an AI that did not seem to be talking to a trapped robot in 2014, capable of everything Chatgpt does, seemed ideal. It was an important reason why I kept paying $ 20 per month for Chatgpt Plus.

It is worth taking a time to appreciate what the advanced chatgpt voice can do, although imperfectly. You can engage in a real -time conversation with Chatgpt, one with the rhythm and even some of the emotions inherent to a human voice. You can interrupt the orientation in the middle of the AI, and will not forget what you were discussing. I mimic listening and human response behavior, even to the point of not waiting for you to speak; You can interrupt you back.

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