Never assume the end of an attack infrastructure

In February 2024, Operation Cronos, a coalition of international law enforcement agencies led by the UK National Crime Agency and the US FBI, took control of the attack infrastructure of the infamous Lockbit ransomware gang, considered the “most damaging cyber group” in the world. A sigh of relief resonated throughout the information security community, with many believing this marked the end of an ongoing nightmare. However, reality turned out to be different: less than a week later, the ransomware-as-a-service operator was back online with a new leak site, listing five victims and countdown timers for posts of the stolen information.

This resurgence is not atypical. These threat groups are increasingly deploying advanced attack infrastructure and comprehensive backups that allow them to return to operations. I will present three recent examples that demonstrate the resilience of these groups in the face of police interventions.

paolo passeri

Cyber ​​Intelligence Director, Netskope.

Lockbit resistance

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