Netflix's Penelope looks like an intriguing mix of coming-of-age story and wilderness survival adventure series, and it could be cancellation-proof.

If you're increasingly cautious about committing to a show for fear that it will join the ranks of Netflix's canceled shows just as you're getting hooked, you're not alone. And a new show, the young adult drama. PenelopeHe's trying to do something about it.

Penelope starring Megan Stott Small fires everywhere as a disaffected 16-year-old girl who leaves her family and her life behind to forge a new existence in the wild, learning to live off the land alone. It was written during the pandemic, but when the creators tried to commission it, no one decided to do it. So they decided to go the independent route. The show was a huge hit at the Sundance festival and Netflix has picked up US distribution rights for the eight-episode first season.

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