Netflix's Badland Hunters Movie Trailer Is a Heady Mix of Earthquakes, Zombies, and an Evil Doctor

Wasteland Hunters is a dystopian action film from South Korean martial arts director Heo Myung-haeng, set in a post-earthquake Seoul where everything from skyscrapers to society has collapsed. In the chaos, an intrepid hunter sets out to rescue a teenager who has been kidnapped by a crazed doctor and held captive in a camp full of dangerous cultists.

That's hard enough, but our hero Nam-san (played by the always fantastic Don Lee of The eternal and Train to Busan) may have bitten off more than he can chew: As if the wandering mobs of bad guys weren't enough, it turns out our hero also needs to fight a bunch of things that are just as deadly and considerably deadlier. These ingredients (and the trailer below) mean it's one of the new Netflix movies this year that's definitely piquing our interest.

Badlands Hunter looks like another South Korean hit

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