Loss of head; Why are platforms killing headless CMS?

In the bustling e-commerce landscape, a fierce debate is brewing among direct-to-consumer (DTC) companies about how best to build their online presence. The choice between taking a “headless” approach to content management systems (CMS) or using a full platform like Shopify or Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) has become a critical decision for brands looking to maximize profitability and efficiency and, at the same time, offer perfect customer service. experience.

Arthur's root

In recent years we have witnessed an increase in venture capital investment in both DTC brands and e-commerce-related technology companies, particularly those that specialize in headless CMS solutions. Fueled by this wave of funding in the era of “free money,” some DTC brands have invested hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in creating custom, headless websites that enable extreme site customization and speed. While it is undoubtedly possible to create a fantastic website with a headless CMS, the current funding environment has raised justified questions about the sensitivity of such investments to ever-improving alternatives.

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