LG says its 'dream' next-gen OLED panel is finally real, but it may not hit TVs first

One of the most exciting technologies in the world of television is blue phosphor OLED technology, or blue PHOLED for short. As we reported earlier this month, PHOLED is more efficient and provides much more brightness without also requiring more power. It's used in the red and green pixels of OLED TVs, but blue has eluded us until recently. However, even now it's proving tricky to manufacture, and that means the next big thing in TV technology has taken a little longer than expected to become a commercial reality.

That means the latest news from LG Display is exciting: The company says it has created a new OLED panel based on the blue “dream OLED material,” as LG describes it (via translation). As ETNews reported, LG Display has “successfully developed a blue phosphorescence-based OLED panel.” The panel is apparently a dual-stack tandem OLED, and will have similar longevity to existing OLEDs.

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