Just one energy drink a month can shorten sleep time and increase the likelihood of insomnia, study says

Full of caffeine and often loaded with sugar, we turn to energy drinks when we're looking for a boost. However, that afternoon pick-me-up may have become a disruptor of nighttime sleep, and studies indicate that the high from energy drinks may linger long after bedtime. And new research has shown that it's not just those who regularly enjoy energy drinks who feel the effect: even casual consumers may find that energy drinks cause them to lose sleep.

The experts surveyed a group of 53,266 students between 18 and 35 years old about their consumption of energy drinks and their sleeping habits. The study, published in the BMJ Open Journal, found that daily consumption of energy drinks was correlated with going to bed up to 33 minutes later, waking up 25 minutes later, reduced sleep duration, an increase in the time taken to fall asleep , and a greater likelihood of suffering from insomnia. That's essentially everything, from when you go to bed at night to when you go out the next morning.

How many energy drinks can make a difference?

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