I saw the most advanced robot in the world… and it's amazing

If you think back to 2023, you may remember seeing Ameca, the so-called most advanced robot in the world, appear on UK television. This morning and make headlines everywhere. Now Ameca is back, with a second-generation version to be shown at MWC 2024, complete with even more realistic facial expressions.

The first time I was alerted to Ameca's presence at the show was when I saw a crowd of MWC attendees gaping and transfixed by something. Naturally, I headed over to investigate, and there I beheld Ameca in all his semi-skeletal splendor, answering questions posed to him by MWC attendees, and leaving me with the strange feeling that he had entered the pre-production set of ex machina.

(Image credit: future)

The robot uses generative AI to react to questions in real time, from basic questions like “how old are you?” to sillier questions like “can you dance?” – Reader, Ameca knows how to dance, and probably better than the average nightclub goer.

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