I replaced my outstanding tasks list with the chatgpt task function and completely changed the way I plan my life

I always wanted to be the type of person who uses lists of pending tasks, but I often find that even if I do one, I will forget to verify it. Online calendars and other tools help, but that still requires everyone to write them. If I want to follow a more complicated project or long term, then I need to divide it into smaller bits and find a schedule that will take me to that goal. Things would inevitably slide through cracks. At one point, I would be making commanded with confidence, and the next one, I realize that I forgot the only ingredient, or I realize that I had left my toothbrush across the country.

Then, he intrigued me when Openai debuted the function of tasks for chatgpt. The tasks are designed to help you build and manage those lists of pending tasks automating their creation and maintenance. What distinguishes tasks is that the characteristic can divide large projects into manageable steps while keeping everything into an organized system. Unlike my usual method of scoring random reminders and expecting to remember them, the tasks ensure that nothing slips through cracks.

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