How digital tools will transform mortgage application processes

Today’s mortgage process is challenging for everyone involved. For customers, buying a home is probably the most important purchase they will ever make. The knock-on effect is that the pressure on mortgage providers to provide a smooth and supportive service is intense, and customers’ emotions are often understandably heightened. With technology integrated into so many areas of public life, customers no longer have patience for outdated processes and cumbersome systems.

Mortgages are thought to have first become available in Britain in the 12th century. The initial concept was that your property would be used as collateral against your debts and that your title deeds would be returned to you once your debts had been fully paid over time. The question now is: how can mortgage lenders embrace 21st century technology to help solve problems rooted in the 12th century? Life can be made easier for both customers and providers. The answer lies in digital transformation.

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