GSMA celebrates a flatly successful Barcelona MWC25

MWC25 welcomed 109,000 attendees for a week of AI, innovation and debate defined by the industry

March 6, 2025, Barcelona: MWC25 Barcelona, ​​the largest and most influential connectivity event in the world, welcomed 109,000 attendees during a week -for -shape transforming week of the industry and a shocking collaboration, highlighting mobile technology and advanced AI.

In the key notes and in the stages and summits of MWC25, some of the most influential minds of today discussed the role of technology in the redefinition of society, business and culture, with their opportunities and challenges.

John Hoffman, CEO of Gsma Ltd., said: “MWC is where the industries are located, and this year's event showed how quickly technology is remodeling the world around us. From networks with AI to the future of intelligent mobility, this week's discussions will establish the tone for next year. What happens in MWC does not stay in the MWC, causes real change. I can't wait to see where this impulse leads us below, particularly when we go to MWC25 Shanghai in June of this year.

MWC25 Barcelona at a glance:

  • 109,000 attendees from 205 countries and territories
  • More than 2,900 exhibitors, sponsors and partners
  • More than 1,200 speakers and opinion leaders, including 41% of speakers
  • The GSMA Ministerial Program summoned 188 delegations from 148 countries and 40 intergovernmental organizations, 66 ministers and 111 heads of regulatory authorities
  • 4yfn welcomed more than 1,000 startup exhibitors, almost 380 speakers and more than 900 investors with collective funds for a total of 60 billion euros
  • 56% of attendees representing industries adjacent to the central mobile ecosystem
  • 21% of C-Suite attendees; 50% Director and Superior Level
  • 27% of female attendees
  • More than 2,900 journalists and industry analysts around the world
  • About half a million unique views of the key notes and live sessions on the MWC Barcelona website, the MWC application, the platforms and media of Mobile World Live and Media

Separately, the talent sand organized by the world capital mobile Barcelona (MWcapital) and located together with MWC25 in Fira Montjuïc, welcomed more than 20,000 attendees with 53% of Senior professionals, and 47% of students and young professionals.

Mats Granryd, general director, said GSMA, “I have attended all MWC from the first days and, this being the last as general director, I am incredibly proud of how it has evolved. The industry is embarking on a new era, and I am deeply grateful to have played a small role. Each MWC is based on the last one, and this year was really innovative. As I give the cane to Vivek BadrinathI know that GSMA is uniquely positioned in this increasingly complex world to bring together political leaders, new companies and companies to feed public-private discourse on the issues that matter. All in a context of market movement ads and inspired First Tech, is really undeniable. “

MWC25 Barcelona starts the exciting line of GSMA global events for the year. This week, we announced the inaugural MWC25 (November 25-26, 2025), an event of milestones in Qatar that will link industry leaders, political and innovative leaders to advance in the next generation of digital societies in the Middle East and beyond.

Our MWC series gathers industries, technologies and communities to unlock the potential of the future, with the next edition, the MWC25 Shanghai takes place from June 18 to 20, 2025. We are excited to share that 4fyn will return to MWC Shanghai, and new by 2025, we are proud to present the Iote co-purpose in the program.

Vivek Badrinath will begin the GSMA M360 series this year with his inaugural speech as general director in M360 Eurasia in Tashkent, Uzbekistan ((((((((((May 21, 2025), associating with Host sponsor Beeline Uzbekistan, a subsidiary of Von and the Republic of Uzbekistan, followed by M360 Latam in Mexico City (May 28, 2025).

All main sessions will be available at the request on the website, application and mobile World World Live of Barcelona MWC25. The news, the updates, the Roll By photography are available in the MWC25 Barcelona press zone.

MWC Barcelona will return next year, March 2-5, 2026-We see us in MWC26!


About GSMA

GSMA is a global organization that unifies the mobile ecosystem to discover, develop and offer fundamental innovation to positive business environments and social change. Our vision is to unlock all the power of connectivity so that people, industry and society prosper. Representing mobile operators and organizations throughout the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries, the GSMA offers its members in three broad pillars: connectivity for good, services and solutions of the industry, and scope. This activity includes the progress policy, addressing today's greatest social challenges, underpinning technology and interoperability that make mobile work and providing the world's largest platform to convene the mobile ecosystem in the MWC and M360 events series.

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