Google will turn those long documents into your next favorite podcast

If you have a lot of reading to do for school or work but would rather listen to a podcast, Google’s new AI-powered Audio Overview tool is just the thing for you. First demonstrated at Google I/O this year, Audio Overviews lets you turn documents, slides, and other text into an audio show where AI presenters discuss the topic. Google is touting the feature as a way for people who learn better by listening than reading to digest complex information. The feature personalizes learning for you if you prefer to listen to a topic discussed rather than read reports.

Audio Overviews is part of the NotebookLM note-taking app introduced earlier this year. The feature relies on Google’s Gemini AI models to summarize and organize documents, enhancing them with audio AI. What’s most interesting is that it’s not just an AI voice reading the same text summary — you’ll hear synthetic personalities talking about the documents with each other. Virtual hosts explain the topic and connections between different topics in the documents. They’re trying to make studying and researching easier or at least something you can enjoy while driving. The back-and-forth discussion even includes banter and jokes as if you’ve commissioned a hyper-specific podcast episode just for yourself. You can listen to an example below based on this Google blog post about NotebookLM.

(Image credit: Google)

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