Google is about to start scrolling through all your images for its 'Ask Photos' feature

Google’s AI-powered Ask Photos feature, which was unveiled at Google I/O 2024, has begun initial testing, as first shared by 9to5 Google. Ask Photos employs Google’s Gemini AI to search a user’s photo library using natural language without first organizing and tagging the image. Google hasn’t shared any release date, but it appears a select group of users are being asked to test it out and offer feedback ahead of a broader rollout.

Ask Photos basically extends Gemini’s ability to analyze the visual information in a user’s photos. The AI ​​can then examine the images, presumably those in an album or on a device that the AI ​​has permission to access and search. This isn’t just a simple keyword search, as the AI ​​can also answer questions posed by the user. For example, in the initial demo at Google I/O, CEO Sundar Pichai showed how he could use it to ask his phone for his vehicle’s license plate number, with the answer coming back from a photo of the license plate in his album.

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