Biased and hallucinatory AI models can produce inequitable outcomes

“Code me a treasure hunting game.” “Make an Adele-esque cover of Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style.’” “Create a close-up photorealistic video of two pirate ships fighting each other while sailing inside a coffee cup.” Even that final message isn’t an exaggeration: Today’s best AI tools can create all of this and more in minutes, making AI seem like a kind of modern, real-world magic.

We know, of course, that it’s not magic. In fact, a tremendous amount of work, training, and information goes into the models that power GenAI and produce its output. AI systems need to be trained to learn patterns from data: GPT-3, ChatGPT’s base model, was trained on 45TB of data from Common Crawl, the equivalent of around 45 million 100-page PDF documents. In the same way that humans learn from experience, training helps AI models better understand and process information. Only then can they make accurate predictions, perform important tasks, and improve over time.

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