Apple could revive a legendary product it killed 13 years ago – Xserve heir to run on M2 Ultra silicon reportedly, but no sign of Mac OS X Server yet

Apple may be late to the generative AI party, but don't rule it out just yet. According Bloomberg's Marc Gurman and MacRumors'Hartley Charlton, the company will use the M2Ultra on their own servers (in their own data centers) to fuel their growing GAI ambitions. Released in June 2023, the CPU, as used in the Mac Studio – remains the most complex piece of silicon ever released by Apple with 24 compute cores, up to 76 GPU cores and 32 AI accelerators.

The report does not mention whether Apple plans to revive its defunct Xserve range of rack servers or whether it will regain its Mac OS X Server OS. Both products have been discontinued for years as Apple shifted its focus away from the enterprise market early last decade. A separate article from WSJ He also adds that Apple is using the internal code name ACDC (Apple Chips in the Data Center).

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