Amazon Alexa's next-gen upgrade could turn the assistant into a generative AI chatbot

Rumors began circulating earlier this year claiming that Amazon was working to improve Alexa by giving it new generative AI features. Since then, we haven't heard much about it until very recently, when CNBC spoke to people familiar with the development of the project. The new report provided information on what the company intends to do with the updated Alexa, how much it may cost, and why Amazon is doing this.

CNBC's sources were quite reserved. They didn't reveal exactly what the AI ​​will be capable of, but they did mention the tech giant's goals. Amazon wants its developers to create something “that will hold up amid the new AI competition,” referring to companies like ChatGPT. The company's CEO Andy Jazzy was reportedly “disappointed” with modern Alexa and he's not the only one who wants the assistant to do more. The development team is reportedly concerned that the model is currently simply an “expensive alarm clock.”

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