A startup backed by Dropbox and Figma presents innovative technology that could solve one of the biggest problems in AI: AMD's BFF Lamini promises to reduce hallucinations by 90% through a process similar to a mind map

Anyone who has used generative AI for any period of time will be more than familiar with hallucinations. This occurs when AI systems generate false or misleading information, a failure that is often due to limitations in their training data or model design. These inaccuracies can arise unpredictably and vary widely in severity: from minor errors to substantial distortions that could significantly distort decision-making processes.

Lamini Memory Tuning aims to significantly reduce hallucinations, from 50% to 5%, a 90% cut. The technology allows accurate data to be incorporated into LLMs and reportedly achieves accuracy rates of up to 95%, a significant jump from the 50% accuracy offered by previous methods.

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