A fake LastPass developer hit the App Store, but things could be much worse

People worry, and I know I've written about how Apple allowing side-loading apps, as it's about to do in Europe with iOS 17.4, could lead to dangerous, malware-filled apps arriving on your best iPhone. But it turns out that the tight checks and balances of Apple's App Store aren't entirely perfect either.

Earlier this week we learned through popular password management system LastPass that there was a fraudulent app posing as its own app in the Apple App Store. The developer, listed as Harry Potter The character, Parvati Patel, wasn't exactly subtle. A search for 'Lastpass Password Manager' would return, along with the legitimate app, the Patel app with a logo that, while different, could easily be confused with the actual LatPass logo. She also used a collection of screenshots that looked a lot like LastPass' mobile password management system.

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