YNAP launches virtual trial for Mr. Porter's own brand

Advanced fit technology has come to Mr Porter. Yoox Net-A-Porter (YNAP) luxury men's seasonal fashion platform launched its inaugural virtual pilot, rolling out 90 styles across its Mr P Permanent collection, representing 70% of the range.

Mr P Spring 24 Collection

More importantly, the addition will aim to “reduce the need for customers to return items,” Porter said, highlighting an issue that is important to both the luxury sector and lower-tier online sellers in the industry. Price range.

The initiative, which will last six months, is launched internationally in six languages ​​(English, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean and Arabic).

Through its new size simulation tool, customers can create a 3D avatar that reflects their own measurements, either through a step-by-step guide or by providing clothing sizes from their favorite fashion brands.

“In seconds, they can see how a garment will fit on their body, visualize its ideal fit, and determine if the product is right for them.”

The retailer said its customer insights reveal that size and fit are the main reasons for returns, the volume of which will be tracked during this six-month trial.

Additionally, 90% of Yoox customers say they prefer retailers that help them reduce returns, and 83% try to shop “more intentionally” to avoid returning items.

Alison Loehnis, Interim CEO of YNAP, said: “We have been closely following developments in virtual try-on technology for some time, looking for slick, easy-to-use functionality. [We believe] our tool… is a fantastic and intuitive shopping aid.”

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