Prada Group and UNFPA expand fashion training program to Mexico

Prada Group and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) have expanded their first-of-its-kind fashion training program, 'Fashion Expressions: The Stories She Wears', to Mexico.

Prada Group and UNFPA expand fashion training program to Mexico. -Prada

The expansion, announced just before International Women's Day, seeks to mentor aspiring fashion professionals while encouraging self-management in sexual and reproductive health.

Building on its successful implementation in Ghana and Kenya since its launch in 2021, the focus is on Querétaro, Mexico, where 30 women artisans from indigenous and surrounding communities will benefit from the program's resources. These artisans, with experience in weaving and embroidery, will receive training to improve their technical, artistic and financial skills.

Initially launched in September 2023 with a select group of mothers between 18 and 50 years old, the project is aimed at women who previously operated their businesses independently within family models. These artisans, who often worked in small workshops in their homes, supplemented their income by selling crafts in the local markets of Querétaro.

Lorenzo Bertelli, director of corporate social responsibility at the Prada Group, said: “Through this partnership with UNFPA, we have witnessed how fashion combined with education can become a powerful instrument of change and empowerment, complemented by skills. natural and effortless of the participants. Our goal is to empower and instill hope for a better future for everyone involved as we continue our mission to build a more inclusive society.”

Over six months, participants will take part in a series of training sessions and workshops designed to equip them with technical fashion skills and sexual and reproductive health knowledge. The program aims not only to improve their skills but also to empower them to make informed decisions about their well-being. Additionally, the project will showcase their unique cultural heritage, giving them a platform to celebrate their craftsmanship.

In collaboration with local nonprofit Nest, the initiative will also focus on providing business development skills and financial literacy to participants. Upon completion of the program, participants will have access to Nest's library of business development resources designed to help them establish craft businesses within their communities.

Malika Savell Cruz, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Prada Group, The Americas, added: “We are delighted to further strengthen our partnership with UNFPA as we expand the 'Fashion Expressions: The Stories She Wears' program to Mexico. This evolution underscores our commitment to continue championing diversity, equity and inclusion within the fashion industry. “Initiatives like these empower the next generation of creatives while promoting cultural dialogue, understanding and fostering a more inclusive global community.”

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