NIFT Gandhinagar organizes graduation presentations and exhibitions

NIFT Gandhinagar organized the graduation projects and presentations for class of 2024, Impulse 2024 for fashion design, Vyakt 2024 for spatial design, Tantu 2024 for textile design and Technova 2024 for fashion technology on the 31st. May 2024 at NIFT Gandhinagar campus. Smt. Sunaina Tomar, Additional boss SecretaryGovernment of Gujarat, was the chief guest of the occasion and inaugurated the event in the presence of Shri Lalit Narayan Singh Sandu, Managing Director, Gujarat State Handloom & Handicraft Development Corporation Ltd, and Prof. Dr. Sameer Sood, Director, NIFT Gandhinagar.

Next guest invited from industries to witness the graduation ceremony of NIFT Gandhinagar graduating students. Mr. Maulik Bhagat, Managing Director, Nascent Info Technologies Pvt. Limited. Ltd. Founder and CEO of 1000 Island Hotels & Resorts, Mr. Jay Vora, Co-Founder of Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Limited. Ltd, Ms. Ruchi Mehta, Design Director, Future Research Design Company, Bengaluru, Ms. Shefali Gaur, Transformation Leader, Ecosystem Engineering IBM India Software Labs, Ms. Akshaya Vijayalakshmi, Associate Professor of Marketing, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), Mr. Rahul Kavya, Director, M/s. Ayma Creations, Ahmedabad, Mr. Sahil Gohil, Director, M/s. Blue Buddha, Ahmedabad.

The program began with an inaugural ceremony with inspiring speeches by Prof. Dr. Sameer Sood, Director NIFT Gandhinagar and Smt. Sunaina Tomar, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Gujarat.

Smt. Sunaina Tomar He urged students to dream big and inspire them with examples of people who have made a significant impact despite lacking formal education. She highlighted the importance of platforms like NIFT in equipping students with the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve anything they set their mind to. Smt. Sumaina Tomar praised the students' exhibits, particularly those inspired by nature, and emphasized that each student possesses unique characteristics and capabilities. She also urged students to establish their own brands to gain international reputation, contributing to the global fashion industry and carving their own paths. Tomar's message was that with the right platform and mindset, students can transcend their limitations and achieve greatness.

Prof. Dr. Sameer Sood, Director, NIFT Gandhinagar congratulated the class of 2024 with an inspiring speech. He highlighted the importance of hard work to achieve success and urged the graduates to pursue their dreams with dedication and perseverance. His motivational words reflected his firm belief in his potential to make a significant impact in his chosen fields.

All guests recognized the hard work and dedication of the students. They recognized the countless hours of study, creativity, and perseverance each student invested in her education. In their speeches, they congratulated the graduates on their achievements, highlighting the importance of their achievements and their bright future. Guests admired the resilience and determination of the students, encouraging them to strive for excellence in their future endeavors.

Graduation Exhibitions and Displays Presented by the Graduating Students at NIFT Gandhinagar:

Trip 2024

The Master of Design Department showcased unique projects by 35 graduate students in socio-technical systems, education and craft sectors. The show emphasized strategic design management, with a focus on ethical branding and marketing innovation. The projects showcased a dynamic world where design-led strategies drive digital potential and foster ecosystems that incorporate local value chains, cultural practices, indigenous knowledge and marginalized communities. The goal was to inspire students to become committed professionals and impactful contributors to the advancement of the nation.

Tantu 2024:

The Department of Textile Design presented the “Tantu 2024” event, which featured the designs of 39 graduate textile design students from various industrial sectors. Sponsored by industry players like Arvind Ltd., Bajaj, Ashima and Vardhman Textiles, the event showcased students' exploration of various sectors through innovative textile-based projects. Students successfully integrated traditional craftsmanship with modern commercial textiles, balancing the new perspectives of fashion startups with the refined aesthetics of prestigious high-end brands. The event exemplified the students' dedication and creativity in combining traditional crafts with modern textiles.

Tecnonova 2024:

“Technova-2024” Graduation Projects organized for 27 Bachelor of Fashion Technology (BFT) students in 2020-24. The event showcased innovative projects that combined strategic business expertise with innovative approaches. Student projects included product development, supplier selection process optimization, quality management, supplier selection, and standard operating procedures for the purchasing and manufacturing departments. The event reflects the exceptional talent and forward-thinking of the students. NIFT Gandhinagar's Department of Fashion Technology recognized the contributions of students during their graduation projects, securing esteemed placements.

Impulse 2024:

Graduates from the Department of Fashion Design proudly displayed their four years of intensive learning through an impressive display of their design collections, captivating the attention of all attendees. “Impulso 2024,” the Department of Fashion Design's annual Graduation Showcase, highlighted the creative journey of 40 students through their graduation projects. Each collection represented the culmination of the students' hard work, reflecting their innovative approaches and unique perspectives on fashion design. The event featured a wide range of styles, silhouettes and designs, from traditional to contemporary, underlining the rich talents of NIFT graduates.

The exhibition offered a comprehensive look at the students' design processes, from the development of the initial concept to the meticulous execution of their final pieces. Attendees were treated to a variety of designs that celebrated cultural heritage, pushed the boundaries of modern fashion and demonstrated a keen awareness of current trends and future possibilities. “Impulse 2024” not only highlighted the technical skills and creative vision of the graduates, but also their ability to combine traditional craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics.

Note: The content of this press release has not been edited by Fibre2Fashion staff.

NIFT Gandhinagar organized the graduation exhibition and presentations for the class of 2024 on May 31, 2024. The event featured projects from the departments of Fashion Design, Fashion Technology, Textile Design and Spatial Design. The exhibitions, including Impulse 2024, Vyakt 2024, Tantu 2024 and Technova 2024, highlighted innovative projects by students.

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