Chinese textile exports begin their return to growth

After a drop in textile and clothing exports last year, China saw a modest 1.4% increase in the first five months of the year. The country exported goods worth 106.7 billion euros, according to the China Textile Industry Sub-Council (CCPIT-Tex).


Textile exports amounted to 52.6 billion euros, 2.6% more than in the same period of the previous year. In the clothing sector, exports remained stable at +0.2%, with products shipped worth €54.1 billion.

May could mark a breakthrough. While exports rose by only 0.8% during the January-April period, textile and clothing exports rose by 4.7% in May. This acceleration particularly affected the textile sector (+8.1%) and, to a lesser extent, clothing (+1.6%).

“Since the second quarter, the situation of Chinese textile and clothing exports has improved compared with the first quarter, but the foreign trade pressure of enterprises is still strong and the order situation has not improved significantly,” it said. CCPIT-tex. “This rebound in exports may be due to a shortage. It remains to be seen if it will be part of a continued upward trend.”

The Chinese Textile Authority notes that since the beginning of the year, the situation in the international retail market has remained generally stable. But behind this stability, markets in most developed countries have only been able to maintain weak growth, leaving some doubt as to whether consumption will recover soon.


Last year, China exported the equivalent of 269.4 billion euros worth of textiles and clothing. After exchange rate effects, these were falls of 8.1% and 2.9% respectively, caused mainly by inflation, which is holding back Western consumption, but also by the effects of the Covid-zero policy, which was finally lifted at the beginning of the year.

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