Zach Johnson does not rule out Tiger Woods for the Ryder Cup


Tiger Woods could be part of the American Ryder Cup team, or at least Zach Johnson does not rule it out.

Ahead of the Sony Open in Hawaii, American captain Johnson said he would not rule out selecting Woods to compete in the tournament if the 47-year-old did not automatically qualify for the team.

“I would only consider having him on the team if I felt, if he was putting up some numbers and some scores, No. 1, where he was showing some signs of being competitive,” Johnson said at a news conference Wednesday.

“And then, number 2, that discussion would be had with the other guys that are part of that team, and specifically with him. If there is one thing I trust in Tiger Woods, it is that he is very involved in this team and in future Cups. Extremely invested. “I can't talk about that enough,” Johnson added.

“And then I think you would do anything for the good of the team. “I guess I would say… I don't like to make assumptions… but I'm sure I would say, 'Yes, I can play, or no, I can't.'”

Last year, Johnson confirmed that Woods would be part of the US Ryder Cup “in some capacity”, adding that Woods had made it a “priority”.

“Given who he is and what he's about, I can't tell him right now: I don't know if he'll be here next year, but he'll be a part of this team in some capacity,” Johnson said.

However, Woods' health could complicate this, Johnson admitted.

“He's been going through some things lately that make it difficult, whether it's traveling or whatever,” the United States Ryder Cup captain said.

Injuries have hampered Woods' recent career, his playing time decimated since he suffered serious leg injuries in a car accident in February 2021.

The 47-year-old withdrew from the Hero World Challenge in December due to foot pain, and at several points appeared to have trouble with movement during the seventh edition of The Match that month.

“I think the realistic thing is to play the tour one day, never full-time, never again, but to choose, just like Mr. (Ben) Hogan did,” Woods told Golf Digest after his 2021 accident.

“Pick a few events a year and play with that. You practice with it and prepare for it. And you play. I think that's how I'll have to play it from now on.

“It is an unfortunate reality, but it is my reality. And I understand and accept it.”

The Ryder Cup, a biennial competition that alternates between Europe and the United States, will be played in Italy for the first time later this year (September 25 to October 1) at the Marco Simone Golf & Country Club, which is 16 kilometers from central Italy. Rome.

Team USA regained the Ryder Cup in 2021 after a historically dominant performance over Europe at Whistling Straits.

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