The athletes present objections to the house settlement; Direct the walks, against the limits of the list

Oakland, California-A soccer player in Stanford and a gymnast in Temple have presented objections to the proposed demand agreement that is scheduled to remod They are unfair elements in the radical legal action that is scheduled for your final audience this spring.

David Kasemervisz, who played four seasons in Stanford as a “favorite walk,” said the language in the house agreement that demands that former players receive $ 2.8 billion in the subsequent payment for the name, image and payments of similarity that they did not receive before these payments, it was allowed to include athletes like him and not only those who received scholarships.

“It is not fair that the state of sports scholarship alone determines that the null of a player in the field is worth a significant transmission compensation, while the teammate with him in the same game is worth nothing,” Kasemervisz wrote To the United States District Judge, Claudia Wilken, while asking to speak at the Court Court scheduled for April 7.

The gymnast Emma Rathaford also asked to speak at the audience, saying that the limits of the list proposed in the settlement “will damage thousands of athletes who have committed themselves to the sports teams of Division I and that they will be cut from those teams” .

The limits of the list could increase the number of scholarships available, but that could reach the expenses of dozens of places that are currently going to athletes whose positions could be eliminated by the limits.

An objection presented by seven previous and current players in October, and informed by Sportico, argued that the agreement, which gives schools the option to pay up to $ 20.5 million next school directly to the players, establishes payments below of market value and is an artificial restriction.

Objections to the agreement are allowed until Friday.

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