You can love Israel and want Netanyahu gone at the same time

To the editor: There's an old joke that the definition of mixed emotions is watching your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new Mercedes. (“Schumer calls for new elections in Israel, saying Netanyahu has 'lost his way,'” March 14)

My love and support for Israel does not diminish. On the contrary, I believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the right-wingers who constitute his government are the antithesis of everything Israel stands for.

The sooner Israel holds elections and kicks out the authoritarians, the better. Thank you to Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) for articulating what so many Jews here and in Israel believe.

Barbara H. Bergen, Los Angeles


To the editor: There you have it: a US senator who believes he is better qualified than Netanyahu to make strategic decisions for Israel.

Schumer has never spent a minute of his life in a crucible where he has Iran's missiles to the east, Hamas' rockets to the south, and Hezbollah's missiles to the north. He has never led a sovereign country that has been attacked by Hamas, which murdered more than 1,100 of Netanyahu's citizens and drove more than 240 people out of his country.

Israel has been through many elections in recent years and needs the stability of a leader who has proven to have a firm hand at the wheel during this time of crisis.

Robert Rodine, Sherman Oaks

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