Why the government's panic on TikTok is political theater

To the editor: I find it funny that when it comes to the social media platform TikTok, politicians say they are worried about user data and privacy. (“What would banning TikTok accomplish? Answer: Practically nothing,” March 14 column)

This country has done so little to protect consumers that we see regular cases of data breaches, with almost no consequences for the companies involved.

If politicians were so concerned about the security and privacy of user data, they would institute stricter privacy laws that more closely mimic those the European Union has. But you can't sell ads if you don't have access to user data.

As columnist Michael Hiltzik wrote, Facebook owner Meta is behind much of the anti-TikTok hysteria. This really makes the effort to ban TikTok mere political theater.

Les Hartzman, Los Angeles


To the editor: As long as TikTok is owned by a Chinese company, the guardians of our open democracy will be able to approach this adversary as an external threat.

But once American billionaires take over the company, it will enjoy the protection of the First Amendment and all the rights and privileges that come with being a citizen. And unfortunately, people like Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) will be the first to ensure their insidious rights are protected.

This time I'm sticking with China.

John Goodman, Oak Park

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