'When we organize and talk publicly, we can get action'

To the editor: Columnist Robin Abcaraian is absolutely correct when he says that people's power works (“Americans are not waiting for the Democratic Party to face Trump”, March 23). I have always believed in civil disobedience. When people want to be heard, numbers matter. Elected officials realize when a large number of their constituents speak. I experienced that when I worked in a municipal council office.

When we only talk about the problems for our friends and family, it is not enough to obtain action. But when we organize and talk publicly, we can obtain action. As Abcarian suggested, if enough voters take to the streets in peaceful protest, the change will come. That has been true throughout our history.

We must prevent the current administration from destroying our country and removes our rights. The words dictatorship or authoritarian should not speak lightly. This is happening just before our eyes, and it seems that no one can reduce it. So it depends on us, the American people, to stand up, protest in peace and make our voices heard, strong and clear. It is our duty and responsibility to save the American lifestyle for future generations.

Make their voices heard, through march, protest, writing cards and telephone calls. Otherwise, we could be using uniforms and marching to our political leader.

Marlene Bronson, town of Westlake

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