What is an access key? Definition, how it works and more

A passkey is a specific authentication method that can be used as commonly as a password but to provide additional security. Passkeys differ from passwords in that they combine public and private cryptographic keys to authenticate users, while a password is based on a specific number of characters.

According to Google, the most immediate benefits of passcodes are that they are resistant to phishing and save people the headache of remembering numbers and special characters in passwords.

As passwordless authentication continues to evolve (in response to phishing risks), consider using passkeys to implement an additional layer of security to protect your online accounts and data.

This article will define passcode technology, explore how it works, and discuss the additional security benefits of using a passcode.

What is an access key?

A passcode refers to a code or series of characters used to gain access to a secure system, device, network, or service. Passwords are often used in conjunction with usernames or user IDs to create two-factor authentication (2FA).

Once you've set a passcode, all you need to do is log in to complete the authentication process, typically using biometrics like a fingerprint or facial recognition. For those who use a passcode, logging in becomes a simple and almost automatic process; For malicious actors, it is almost impossible.

The implementation of passkeys is highly customizable, as they can be configured to sync with the cloud or be tied to hardware, depending on the user's choices regarding the particular application, service, or device.

How do access codes work?

When signing in for the first time, a user who wants to access an app or website with passkey technology, such as NordPass, will be asked to generate an original passkey. This passkey, which will be required for future authentication, can be accessed using biometrics or personal PINs depending on the user's selection and the capabilities of their preferred device.

Figure A

NordPass can automatically create a password for a website account. Image: Lance Whitney/TechRepublic

During this stage, two mathematically linked cryptographic keys are generated: a public key that remains on the website, service or application but is connected to the account, and a private key that remains on the user's hardware or cloud account. The service or application will send a randomly generated “challenge” to the user's device during successive logins, to which the user must react by logging in with the private key.

The application or website can confirm the legitimacy of the private key by using the corresponding public key to confirm the response. Access is allowed and authentication is validated if the user's verified signature attached to the challenge response matches the original randomly generated challenge; Otherwise, access is denied.

This authentication process takes place in the background, allowing the user to log in seamlessly with the click of a button.

Figure B

You can easily log in to a site with your associated password.
You can easily log in to a site with your associated password. Image: Lance Whitney/TechRepublic

Can access keys be shared?

The implementation of passcode technology is still in development, but some companies have mentioned the possibility of sharing credentials between users, as long as the actual passcodes are kept secure in the cloud and out of the reach of potential hackers. . Since sharing account access with family, friends, and coworkers is a very simple and fast process, this feature can improve the overall user experience. However, it is still unclear how this feature can be managed securely in an enterprise environment.

Another crucial factor to consider is whether enterprises should become even more dependent on cloud providers and give up even more ownership and control over credential management, given that a data breach from those parties would undoubtedly have disastrous consequences. .

Hardware-bound access keys, unlike cloud-based access keys, are stored in security keys, physical hardware authenticators, or specialized hardware built into laptops and desktop computers. This means that the access key is not transferable or duplicated. Hardware-bound access keys can be an alternative for organizations that want to prevent employees from copying or sharing keys between devices.

Are passwords more secure than passwords?

In general, both access keys and passwords can be secure if they are managed properly. However, security depends on several factors, including the complexity of authentication, implementation, and how well users manage and protect their credentials. For access keys and passwords to be considered secure by current standards, they must have the following characteristics:

  • Complexity: The longer and more complex the passcode or password is, the more difficult it will be for criminals to compromise.
  • 2FA: A second authentication factor can improve the security of both access keys and passwords, making it more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access.
  • Encryption: Strong encryption methods are crucial to protecting stored credentials.

Ultimately, the security of access keys and passwords does not inherently depend on the type of credential, but on how they are implemented and managed.

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