We need to hear more stories about overcoming anti-LGBTQ+ hate

To the editor: Thanks to Gustavo Arellano for his heartfelt and personal column about his shift from being outwardly homophobic as a youth to being an LGBTQ+ ally as an adult.

It is personal stories like Arellano's that contribute the most to promoting LGBTQ+ equality and fighting hate and intolerance. We must all face our internalized prejudices; Arellano's column helps lead the way.

Robert M. Saltzman, West Hollywood


To the editor: Growing up in the 1960s and 1970s in the Southern California suburbs, I observed neighbors who were different treated with disdain and intimidation. Among them were Jews, Puerto Ricans and older adults who did not fit the image of our street.

In high school, my parents were going through a divorce, a “secret” thing. I took out my fear and frustration on a new girl who didn't speak English because other kids were bullying her and I thought she had free rein to make someone else feel as horrible as I did. I hoped to gain acceptance from my peers by attacking this student.

To this day, I struggle with how I made this young woman feel at a new school. Very sorry.

Teenagers are in a difficult life transition that can be hindered by experiences such as divorce, family unions, domestic abuse, substance abuse, mental illness, and much more. Right now, the need for counseling services in middle schools is great.

Many teenagers face serious personal problems. They need communication skills and the ability to build trust with their families and communities. The need for counseling interventions is great for youth.

Karen Neville, Palm Desert


To the editor: Thanks to Arellano for his important, moving and brave article.

Bill Burke, Santa Barbara

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