“War is hell” is a terrible excuse to continue killing Palestinians

To the editor: Two letter writers used the expression “war is hell” to dismiss the slaughter in the Gaza Strip as standard. One writer compared our country's response to the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, which culminated in the use of atomic bombs against Japan, with Israel's response to October 7.

We study history not to repeat our mistakes but rather to learn from them. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have saved American lives, but at what cost? Many innocent people were killed and our nation's moral standing in the world diminished.

What is happening in Gaza is also tarnishing Israel's global standing. It is time to stop sending military weapons to Israel so as not to be complicit in this medieval genocide.

Joseph Tillotson, Redondo Beach


To the editor: The daily barrage of articles detailing the carnage, misery, suffering and body count of Palestinians in Gaza is maddening.

Because? Because no one asks: “Why doesn't Hamas surrender?” Instead, people shout: “Genocide!”

In war, one side continues killing until the other surrenders. Did the world cry “genocide” after the destruction of Dresden, Hiroshima or Nagasaki? After the Arab attacks on Israel in 1948 and 1973? No.

Hamas has vowed to kill Jews in Israel and around the world. But in carrying out this violence, Hamas kills its own.

If it really wants the killings to stop, Hamas's mandate is clear: surrender.

Eric Beck, Portland, Oregon.

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