Victims of abuse get protection from firearms. What about the rest of us?

To the editor: The US Supreme Court's decision denying domestic abusers the right to own guns is a welcome relief. It's good to know that some people are protected by the court decision.

Meanwhile, the rest of us can continue to worry about stock crazies every time we enter a school, a shopping mall, a church or synagogue, a music festival, a museum or a grocery store.

I'm sure there's some logic connecting these two decisions, but I'm scratching my head trying to figure it out.

Barbara Sobin Rosen, Fullerton


To the editor: I'm waiting for someone to file a lawsuit for the right to take a loaded gun on a plane.

It must have been legal to carry a loaded firearm in a horse-drawn carriage in 1791, so why can't we still have the right to carry a loaded firearm with us when boarding modern transportation?

Sue Guilford, Orange


To the editor: In her concurring opinion, Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote: “Despite its unqualified text, the Second Amendment is not absolute.”

I don't know, but “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state…” sure sounds like a qualification to me. I wonder how the originalists missed that.

Jon Rufsvold, Anaheim

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