Trump's tough love for workers: very, very tough love

To the editor: Thanks to the author of the letter who explained the billionaires' support for former President Trump for illustration and levity.

He wrote that the very rich support Trump not because of the tax cuts, but because of his altruism and Trump's policies to build the economy, increase home ownership and provide health care.

The rise in home ownership must have been the reason Trump appointed Steve Mnuchin as Treasury secretary, because when Mnuchin and his partners acquired the bankrupt bank IndyMac and turned it into OneWest, as CEO he oversaw so many foreclosures They called him the “king of foreclosures.” “

When Trump proposed tax cuts that primarily benefited the rich, it must have been to help the “little guy” and build the economy with fewer tax dollars to provide services.

The attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, something that could have left more than 20 million Americans uninsured, must have been Trump's version of “tough love.”

It's all so clear now.

D.H. Sloan, Los Angeles

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