Trump's racist claim that his accusations attract black support

To the editor: I am African-American and the only vote I would give for former President Trump would be to convict him if I were on a jury. (“Trump claims his criminal charges increased his appeal to black voters,” Feb. 24)

No, Trump is not like black Americans, who have historically been victims of segregationists and denied their civil rights at home. Even as they have fought for democracy abroad, black people have been denied freedom in their American homeland.

How insulting it is to our civil rights heroes – Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and others – Trump's comparison of their legal problems to the discrimination Americans face blacks. They and today's activists are the ones who carry the torch to continue fighting for the promises guaranteed by the Constitution.

Donald Peppars, Pomona


To the editor: As the daughter of a deceased Pulitzer-winning journalist who would be shocked by today's reporting, I am disgusted that The Times put this article about Trump comparing his legal problems to the discrimination black Americans face on the sixth page of the front section of the printed edition.

He should be on the front page, showing all Americans, especially African Americans, who this racist presidential candidate really is.

Making this statement, as if the black population empathizes with his multiple charges of breaking the law, is as tone-deaf, blind, and racist as it gets.

Do better, LA Times, and report the news that matters. It's bigger than Ozempic and plastic surgery (which was on the cover that day).

Lise F. Spiegel, Encino

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