Trump's debate failure should be a wake-up call for Republicans

To the editor: Perhaps some Republicans are waking up to the fact that Donald Trump is not cut out to be president. He is not a leader or even a good manager. He so often seems to believe his job is to entertain, so he spouts nonsense. (“Harris and Trump trade barbs in heated, high-stakes debate,” Sept. 10)

You may find it pleasing to be so confident in your abilities, but the rest of us should not be fooled. Your judgment and sanity are important concerns. You create targets for your opponents. You lack the basic skills to prepare for a debate.

Sometimes I feel sorry for the boy, but not that much.

MAGA Republicans have a tough road ahead of them. How do they explain defeat after defeat under Trump? The GOP had a choice, and a different Republican, not Trump, could win this election. But MAGA is too much like a cult, and the leader they thought they had can't really lead.

The big takeaway from the debate is that Vice President Kamala Harris has real chops. If she wins the election, she could eclipse President Biden.

William N. Hoke, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: This wasn't a debate, it was a mockery of Trump.

Harris and her opponent did indeed offer very different approaches to governing this great nation. Trump is now forever etched in the minds of millions of viewers as an angry, ignorant, and mentally ill creature.

She was — and is — ready to perform. Harris was elegant, eloquent, clear-headed, truthful in her answers and even seemed comfortable with the challenge.

In this election I see only one option: a pathological liar, wild-eyed, inarticulate and accusatory are not qualities for the office of President of the United States.

Bravo, Kamala Harris, or rather, future president, I hope. And also, congratulations to the moderators.

Sylvia Lewis, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: Unfortunately, the big loser in the debate was the media.

Trump's facts were fact-checked multiple times; Harris's were not fact-checked even once, despite her making false statements.

Moreover, if Trump did not directly answer a question, follow-up responses were forthcoming. That was not the case with Harris.

Harris' decent performance was overshadowed by the unfairness of the moderators. Biased media is dividing our country.

Bill Fado, Pacific Palisades


To the editor: She did it. Harris stood up to Trump and won the presidential debate. She was authentic, smart and responsive. Trump, on the other hand, rambled, lied and was dismissive.

For those who wanted to know more about Harris, I think they got the answers they were looking for. As for Trump supporters, she gave them what they needed to hear to stay on his side.

Based on what we all saw in the debate, I'm guessing Harris will gain between three and five percentage points in national polls by the end of this week. And Trump? He won't gain or lose any points, meaning he'll stagnate while Harris will be on the rise.

If that analysis is true, then I dread to think what Trump will do between now and November.

Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach

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