Trump's criminal defense: it is unfair to hold me responsible

To the editor: I think we learned from the 2016 election that reporting former President Trump's lies without qualifying them leads many people to believe his falsehoods. While the media has adapted and will now tell when his statements are actually lies, we must remain vigilant.

In the Associated Press story it published about the former president's criminal trial in New York, defense attorney Todd Blanche's account of statements that Trump had to be unfairly tried while running for president was not nuanced. Therefore, people might believe that this is a legitimate claim.

The fact is that what is scandalous is that someone who is on trial is running for president. What is scandalous is the suggestion that the court is misplaced in requiring a person to account for his actions before a jury of her peers.

Carolyn Manetti, Los Angeles


To the editor: Trump has written on social media that his legal problems are a “political witch hunt led by Biden aimed at interfering in the election.”

If that's true, then you have to hand it to the old, forgetful man in the White House. He is secretly handling multiple criminal indictments in federal and state courts, directing appropriate resources in impeccable timing and always maintaining the advantage over his opponent.

He seems like a good candidate for president to me.

Mark Osterstock, Rancho Ladera

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