Trump is a disaster. Don't even think about comparing him to Kamala Harris

To the editor: It saddens me to see the LA Times jumping on the media bandwagon by claiming that Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign is “short on details,” while making it seem like former President Trump is talking about everything but abortion.

Their headlines add to other media outlets' narrative that we don't know what Harris stands for. If journalists don't know much about Harris, perhaps they should ask themselves why they've largely ignored her for the past four years.

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign ran on no platform in 2020 and generated little press buzz, and this year he says he disagrees with parts of Project 2025 without ever specifying what they are. A man who can’t define a tariff is being allowed to run another campaign unhindered.

Voters are well aware of the failures of the press over the past ten years. In my household, we already cancelled a subscription to a national newspaper when its bias against Biden and Harris became apparent, so we would be very upset to find ourselves in the same situation with our local paper.

Brian Nelson, Woodland Hills


To the editor: Our quadrennial presidential contest is always a case of how appearances compare to reality, but this year has been a truly spectacular performance, especially for the Democratic team.

Yes, both sides put lipstick on the pig. Republicans excuse vice presidential nominee JD Vance’s insults against the cat lady as sarcasm or a failed attempt at humor, while Democrats counter vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s accusation of stolen valor as slander.

But the best examples of a reality masquerading as innocent incomprehension come from Harris and her disingenuous attempt to roll back longstanding policies: Medicare for All, gun control, border control, fracking and offshore drilling, and the movement to defund the police.

Will anyone who is not under political anesthesia believe the retractions?

Paul Bloustein, Cincinnati


To the editor: Is it possible that the LA Times still thinks it has to pretend that one of the candidates isn't a complete lunatic who shouldn't be allowed to run the country? Are we falling back into a false equivalency?

Articles like these aren't news. So what if Harris hasn't laid out enough details of her vision yet? I can be sure they don't include taking away rights from anyone except rich old white men.

These comparison articles don't just compare apples to oranges, they compare apples to roadkill.

When it comes to the state of our country, I hope the press takes a hard look at its own involvement: standing firm in the face of Iraq War lies; treating the hysteria over Hillary Clinton’s emails as if it were Trump’s decades of corruption; and worst of all, portraying Trump’s behavior as buffoonery rather than calling him out for the dangerous rhetoric that it was and continues to be.

Hold Harris to high standards, but don't write about this election as if her standards are remotely similar to Trump's, because he has none.

Barbara Greyhosky, Los Angeles

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