'Tomboy body' and 'false eyelashes' create clown show in Congress

To the editor: Columnist Anita Chabria writes about the insults exchanged by Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas): “There was a clear winner. “It wasn’t MTG.”

No, there was no clear winner. There were only two representatives of Congress who behaved like clowns and therefore we had a circus. The entire House Oversight Committee hearing where this took place was an embarrassment.

Chabria doesn't see it that way; his moral compass does not distinguish that two wrongs do not make a right.

Also, ignore the false equivalence of Crockett's retort, “Malformed tomboy body, bleached blonde,” with Greene's, “I think your false eyelashes are ruining what you're reading.” Both are puerile jabs, but Crockett's is much more of a vituperative ad hominem attack.

The embarrassing clown show does not interest Chabria, because she is only interested in supporting her team.

Giuseppe Mirelli, Los Angeles


To the editor: Chabria doesn't understand why Greene is referring to false eyelashes while talking to Crockett.

Diverting attention to a topic is an effective tool in debate. While the reference to false eyelashes was in poor taste, the deflection was effective.

Jeffrey Littell, Costa Mesa

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