To those who criticize the protests: would you prefer that the students not care?

To the editor: The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Students peacefully protesting have been arrested busloads and risk academic and professional consequences. (“To find masked mob members who attacked UCLA camp, police are using Jan. 6 tactics,” May 7)

Instead, masked “agitators” were given a pass to violently attack people for hours without arrests.

Peacefully protesting students are reacting to the harrowing images of this horrible war. While it is an inconvenience, would people rather these students not care?

Unlike the people in the camps, the cowards at UCLA who resorted to violence, the last refuge of the incompetent, do not have the courage to accept the consequences of their actions.

I hope the facial recognition technology used by the police to try to identify the attackers works so that a modicum of justice prevails.

Marie Puterbaugh, Redondo Beach


To the editor: I am old enough to remember when the “protests” were to raise awareness about injustice and the “demands” were from the kidnappers.

Susan Kovinsky, Oxnard

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