To Biden's liberal critics: I hope you're happy with President Trump.

To the editor: A letter writer says President Biden has ruined America's foreign policy.

Do you think former President Trump (who fawns over Russian leader Vladimir Putin and, according to a former adviser, believed Ukraine was actually part of Russia) would have supported Ukraine? If Trump were president now, Ukraine would have received no help and would likely have been quickly defeated. Putin would consider Poland as his next target and Europe would be preparing for war.

Does the letter's author also believe that the war in Gaza would not have happened if Trump were president? Trump's main suggestion to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been to hurry up and end the war once and for all, because the outlook is not good. In other words, he flattens Gaza and kills as many Palestinians as you want, but do it faster.

As former President Bill Clinton once said, Democrats fall in love and Republicans fall in line. To all those liberals who aren't enamored enough with Biden to vote for him, I hope you're happy with President Trump.

Thomas Graves, Newbury Park


To the editor: Thank you for publishing the letter expressing serious reservations about Biden. As a Democratic voter, he shares the concerns.

There is an alternative between Trump and Biden. The latter could be persuaded to step aside and avoid a bipartisan impeachment for complicity in the crime of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Vice President Kamala Harris would assume the presidency and revitalize the Democratic base, belittled and betrayed by Biden and the Democratic Party. As a woman of color who was a formidable prosecutor and attorney general of California, she is the person we need to save our democracy from Trump and the MAGA cult.

Robert Leyland Monefeldt, Los Angeles

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