These governors would easily beat Trump. Why Harris and not them?

To the editor: If Vice President Kamala Harris were to run for president in California, she would win by a landslide. Unfortunately, she is running for president of the United States. (“Kamala Harris of California was the necessary choice, but not the best candidate,” column, July 22)

Maybe I'm cynical, but I don't think most voters in key states are going to support a liberal woman of color from the San Francisco Bay Area. Would I like to be wrong? Of course. I despise prejudices, but that doesn't stop them from existing.

If the 2024 election were normal and conducted in a healthy environment, I would think Harris is worth giving a chance, she deserves it. But if Trump wins, it will be catastrophic for our country.

Defeating Trump is very easy, and I don't understand why Democratic leaders don't adopt a simple solution. But the solution will require progressives to make a sacrifice and settle for three-quarters of the pie.

There are several prominent and popular figures who embrace the Democratic Party platform 80% of the time but are right of center on some issues; these include Sen. Joe Manchin (IW.Va.), Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear. These guys have won in red states and appeal to independent voters.

Harris has the opportunity to be a hero to the free world by keeping her vice presidential job now and running for president in the near future.

Lanny Levine, Marina del Rey


To the editor: I would say that George Skelton's column was resentful, but he has no interest in that.

If Harris is not the best choice, Skelton should name someone else. I'm curious why he didn't. After reading Skelton's column, I think Harris seems like the best choice given her qualifications.

Patricia Levinson, Culver City

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