The worst offender of January 6 has not spent a second in prison

To the editor: In her May 9 column about the insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and whom former President Trump vows to pardon if he wins a second term, Jackie Calmes tells the story of Ryan T. Nichols, who was sentenced. He was recently sentenced to five years in prison and ordered to pay $200,000 for being “one of a kind” among rioters.

Calmes believes that description more appropriately fits two other offenders, currently serving sentences of 18 and 22 years. She sees them as “the worst anti-democracy criminals.”

I beg to differ. The worst offender of January 6, without whom the insurrection would not have happened, is the man who has yet to spend a second in prison: Donald Trump.

Joan Walston, Santa Monica


To the editor: Oh, the irony.

After the Heritage Foundation publishes Project 2025 as a blueprint should Trump regain the presidency, following his authoritarian positions stated in the Time magazine interview, the former president claims that President Biden is “running a Gestapo administration ”.

If there were a Guinness World Record for how much projection can be attributed to a single individual, it wouldn't be even close.

Ted Rosenblatt, Pacific Palisades

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